As the most popular and wildly used, centralized cryptocurrency exchanges have gathered a significant amount of influence over the years. The centralized exchanges control the power to make or break blockchain projects, and usually, they are the only businesses that remain lucrative regardless of the level of volatility and instability that the cryptocurrency markets experiences.
The massive wealth and influence that centralized exchanges posses have led to serious unethical acts of market manipulation and exploitation that emphasize exactly the reasons why decentralized exchanges are needed now more than ever.
A shocking information was brought to light by crypto Trader named Silvain Ribes, where he believes that far above $3 billion of all crypto assets’ volume are fabricated and unreal and that OKex, which is the number one exchange rated by volume is the main offender with up to 93% of its volume being fake.
Cryptocurrency influencers and many other people all over the internet are beginning to share different bad stories about how centralized exchanges operates in the same corrupt manner as any regular centralized organizations that posses too much power and influence if they are left unchecked.

The PlanChain platform includes an IP Vault that allows users to securely store their files associated with their IP assets, blockchain certificates, NFTs, draft documents, contracts, among others.
Private Vault: secure storage that is only accessible by the user
Linked Vault: secure storage where the user can enable restricted access to certain vault documents to linked accounts, such as a IP professional working with the user.
The PlanChain platform includes an IP Asset Marketplace called THORM that allows users to monetize their IP assets. THORM can use NFTs that represent IP assets and the metadata associated with the IP assets. Users can create profiles on THORM and also IP portfolios (linked to their profiles) to list, showcase, and monetize all of their IP assets. All transactions will be powered by the PLAN utility token and the VechainThor Blockchain, and may optionally use fee delegation (such MPP for VTHO) or atomic swaps.

How does it work?

  • Sell: users can list their IP assets for sale.
  • License: users can list their IP assets for license.
  • Trade: users can indicate their IP assets are also available for trade.
  • Auction: users can sell their IP assets in an auction format.
  • IP Asset Portfolios — each user can showcase a portfolio of their IP assets.
  • Users can showcase a portfolio of digital photographs or other artistic works for sale/license/etc.
  • Companies and individuals can showcase a portfolio of their issued patents for sale/license/etc.
  • IP asset pooling — users can pool two or more IP assets for sale or license as a group.
  • Muti-party IP asset pooling — multiple users (such as multiple companies or individuals) can pool multiple IP assets for sale or license as a group and share the proceeds per the terms of an agreement.
  • Automatic transfer of ownership — automatically transfer the proof of authorship and ownership from the seller(s) to the buyer(s).
  • IP Asset Inheritance solutions — offer the user the option to sign up for inheritance solutions for their IP assets using technology powered by our partner SafeHaven.

AUTHOR: walesodiya
Wallet Address: 0x7Cd3AdE693f2183Dfbe92b45EcACCC8b95118D25


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